The Comic Bug Landing

Get Bit By The Bug!

The home of Texas' very own Super hero, The Comic Bug! Get Bit Now from T.R.I.B.E. Studio Comics LLC! Get the issues Now! From


New Updates from Joe:

TRIBE Studio Comics LLC. has been working nonstop lately getting the upcoming The Missing Half issue 1 for it’s Kickstarter which you should go to the website to back it. From the Afterdark imprint debuting Dustin Spino with art by Scott Shehi with inker Peter Palmiotti with letters by Joe Flores.

Also in the works is the upcoming printed copies of the Armadillo Brothers 2024 Artbook from TRIBE Comics’ Scott Shehi and Joe Flores due in October.

Also for 30 days in October a print a day will be released for 2025’s Infected Artbook for Armadillo Brothers.

The websites are working on and the TRIBE Direct store at

Update For TRIBE Studio Comics & The Comic Bug

Update For Tribe Studio Comics!

We are excited to announce that we have officially formed our new LLC, Tribe Studio Comics! This is a major milestone for our team, and we are grateful to all of our supporters who have supported us through the years! The core remains equal parts Scott, Joe, and Dustin.

Forming an LLC provides us with a number of benefits, but most importantly this will allow us to grow our business more quickly and securely, while supporting the indie publishing world.

We are looking forward to continuing to create amazing new stories, work with future creators, and have more visibility in the marketplace! Be on the lookout for new promotions as we celebrate not only our newly formed LLC, but also several upcoming books releasing through the end of the year. (Editor note, I got a glimpse of the new Hot Dog Man and oh boy they are cooking!)

Stick around as we have a ton of new content to show off!


TRIBE Studio Comics LLC

The Tribe Studio Comics Team

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